Wild Therapy - Introductory Weekend

Bringing Therapy into The Wild and Wildness into Therapy

20/21/22 October 2023
Middlewood Trust, Lancashire

Wild Therapy introductory weekend flyer

A weekend of ecopsychology for counsellors, psychotherapists, bodywork, shamanic practitioners and other interested people.

The world of psychotherapy, counseling and similar practices are waking up to the crucial connections and disconnections between therapists, clients, and nature. Also suitable for anyone wanting to connect with their own wild nature!

This weekend workshop offers you the opportunity to include the other-than-human in your work, and rewild your practice, both indoors and outdoors, in your mind and body, and in the connection you offer to those you work with.

We will be exploring the beautiful, wild environment at Middlewood Trust in the remote Valley of Roeburndale. We will gather as a group in the yurt, around an outdoor fire, In pairs and small groups outdoors in the woodlands, river and meadows.

A residential weekend with all food provided - bring a tent or share a bunk room in the very basic eco house.

This weekend is an ideal taster for the One Year Wild Therapy training, originally created by Nick Totton, author of ‘Wild Therapy’ which will be running again with Jayne and Lindsey in 2024-25. www.wild-therapy.co.uk

Cost: £295 - Inclusive of all food and accommodation.

For more information and to book, contact:

Sean: imago.therapy@btinternet.com 07484852261
Stacey: staceycampbelltherapy@gmail.com 07521229500
or Jo: jofowler3@icloud.com 07984560329

Sean Turner

“I am a very experienced and down to earth Psychotherapist who is passionate about supporting connection to the other than human, through Wild Therapy. I am a forager and fungiphile with a fascination for exploring ancestral links to the land through megalithic sites.”

Stacey Campbell

“I am an Integrative and Wild Therapist and facilitator. I am a bridger and connector, heart centred and deeply rooted. Connection with other than human and dance...soften my edges and bring me in alignment with the huge web of life.”

Jo Fowler

“I have always been attracted to all things natural. I am a gardener,veg grower and live close to nature. Nature gives me a space to be me. Wild therapy has enlivened my practice and has shown me the power of being an embodied therapist.”


Grief Circle

